Where’s Wally? Err I mean Matthew…

Matt is usually based on the Far North Coast of N.S.W., but he’s been absent for the past six months. Offered an appointment based at Alice Springs, he and his lovely partner Michelle decided it was too attractive to miss – despite the fact that Michelle couldn’t join him!

His work there involves very remote travel in areas where he hasn’t shot some of the local species. One of his journey’s was to a remote settlement where there is no prior record of bird reports.

His presence coincided with a visit by a Long-toed Stint. Here’s three more – all in flight. Brown Falcon, White-backed Swallow and Wood Sandpiper.

He has his fingers crossed for Princess Parrot. Good luck with that!!!

He has, however managed to get Dusky Grasswren which eluded me in three prior visits.



Acknowledging three important fellas and one even more important non-fella

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